Thursday, June 4, 2020

Discuss and Answer the Labeling Concepts Questions - 550 Words

Discuss and Answer the Labeling Concepts Questions (Term Paper Sample) Content: Labeling ConceptsName:Institution:Labeling ConceptsExplain what is meant by retrospective interpretationThe theory provides the idea of reconstructing identities in such a manner that the identification suits the new label. Reexamination usually occurs to people to help the reconstruction process. The person in charge of the reconstruction process interprets the past events of an individual. The individual studies the reexamined person behavior to help reconstruct the identity of the individual. The interpretations occur because of an effort to make the person suit the new identity constructed. Retrospective interpretation takes place mainly to a labeled person in the society. The interpretation takes place to unveil certain occurrences of tragic events such as crimes. The retrospective interpretations enable the person study the behavioral aspects of dangerous individuals in the society.Describe labeling as both conflict and a process theoryLabeling acts as a conflic t in the theoretical perspective. The early literature of the theory explained that the deviant behavior takes place because of lack of adjustment in the society. The early literature gives explanations that the criminal behavior exists in the society because of the conflict. The behavior exists because of a conflict between a certain group and the community of a specified area. The two definitions of the behavior oppose each other. The descriptions reflect the conflict side of labeling. Labeling process theory part arises during the definition of the theory concerning the societal reaction. The approach has two parts; the first part describes the reason behind the labeling of specific individuals and the effects of labeling in deviant behavior.Define the concept of master status and what it means for rehabilitationThe concepts explain how the central traits of peoples identities blindfolds the study of the individual other characteristics. Master status gives theoretical explanatio ns on how separation of the traits takes place. The separation takes place between an individual main characteristic and the secondary character traits. The researchers group criminal behavior as the prime characteristic of an individual. A study of the concept enables researchers rehabilitate individuals. Erasing bad events in a persons mind is a difficult task to perform. The researchers explain how rehabilitation takes place by the separation of character traits. Separating the main characteristics of a person from other secondary character traits assist in the rehabilitation process. The master status concept assists in the rehabilitation processes of individuals.Distinguish between Lemerts view of primary and secondary devianceThe sociologist Edwin Lamert explained that a primary deviance takes place in an individual within a respective peer group. The deviance takes place when the in...